Empowering Women's Mental Health: Dedicated Counseling & Therapy For Women
Life's transitions can feel overwhelming, but you don't have to navigate them alone. As a specialized provider of counseling and therapy for women, we understand the unique challenges that shape the unique experiences that women face. Whether you're dealing with relationship changes, career shifts, other personal hurdles and anxiety, therapy offers a safe space to explore your emotions and discover your strength.
Women and Anxiety
If you are struggling with anxiety, you might be:
Expecting the worst-case scenario
Thinking through all the possible "what if this scenario happens?" and having a play-by-play of how you would respond to each scenario
Having a hard time thinking clearly or making decisions
Struggling with perfectionism
Constantly doubting yourself and the choices you make
Irritable over little (and big) things
Struggling with panic attacks and absolutely terrified of another happening again
Have a hard time being kind to yourself or acknowledging your strengths
Physically, you may have:
Feelings of restlessness
Increased sweat
Trouble getting to or staying asleep
Difficulty concentrating
Muscle tension
Increased heart rate
Stomach issues
Anxiety can also be tied into low self-worth:
Having difficulty setting and maintaining healthy boundaries for yourself
Struggling to regulate your emotions
Having a hard time asking for help
Having a hard time receiving help
Believing you aren’t ever “good enough”
The relationship that women and anxiety have is a complex one. With therapy, it is possible to manage your anxiety, recognize unhelpful thought patterns (thoughts are NOT facts, after all), reduce the negative thinking, and create peace for your mind that you deserve.
If you are struggling with depression, you might be:
Feeling like you aren’t enough
Losing motivation
Feeling like you are a burden on loved ones
Losing interest or joy in things you used to love to do
Feeling hopeless or worthless
Having trouble connecting with your partner or loved ones
Having suicidal thoughts or frequent thoughts of death
Physically, you might have:
Depressed mood
Lack of energy and fatigue
Appetite and weight changes
Sleep changes (sleeping more or sleeping less)
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions.
Restlessness, irritability
Persistent physical symptoms
Depression can also have long lasting effects on your self-esteem
You might be struggling with feelings of shame, low self-worth, and a negative relationship with your body.
I will help you learn to stop self-critical thoughts and treat yourself with more kindness and compassion. In turn, you will feel more confident being yourself.
I will also work with you to improve your body image, build confidence with your identity, and improve your relationship with yourself.
Together we can figure out the best way for you to navigate these changes, find your inner strengths, and create peace and balance in your life. Our counselors offer therapy tailored for women and their experiences.
Life Transitions
Life transitions can cause anxiety, even if the life transition itself is mostly a positive one. Some transitions happen without warning and bring about change, uncertainty, and stress.
You might be
Changing careers/schools
Starting a new job
Getting married/begin dating
End a relationship or friendship
Bringing home a baby
Together we can figure out the best way for you to navigate these changes, find your inner strengths, and create peace and balance in your life.